24 hour Sportathon ’Max’s Marathon’



Our star fundraisers’ the Edney’s are helping us once again with vital fundraising. The 24 hour Sportathon ’Max’s Marathon’ event is shaping up well.

The whole project was proposed by a fantastic young girl aged 15 – Madelaine Day (Maddy) who is head girl at John Hanson Community School. Maddy was also part of the group who took part in the ‘ Its in our Bones song’ so knows Max and the family well.

Maddy is managing the “All school charity event”  on 30th  and 31st March.  She chose Max and the BBS with a strong focus on Cool Bones Project. The theme is Max’s Marathon and it will be managed and Run by 5 teachers and 5 students.

BBS caught up with Steve and the family recently and we provided all the necessary collecting tins and pop up banners etc.   Also the Mayor and Mayoress of Basingstoke have confirmed attending”.

You can donate to this event via the Gofundme page.




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