Gift in will

Gift in will

Many people like to leave a gift to charity in their will, helping the causes they care about to continue.

It is because of those kind supporters who generously include a gift to the Brittle Bone Society(BBS) in their will that we are able to continue to offer support to those living with OI, and fund research for better treatments and therapies to improve quality of life.

Here at the Brittle Bone Society, we appreciate family and friends must come first, but even a small percentage of your estate or a fixed sum gift can make a huge difference to the work we do.

If you have already made a will but would now like to include a gift to the Brittle Bone Society, you may be able to add a codicil to your existing will. We would always advise that you enlist the services of a Solicitor in all legal matters.

Guide to gifts in wills

If you would like to leave a gift to the Brittle Bone Society (BBS) in your will, please follow the steps below.

Work out the value of your estate

Ensure that you include property, investments and any debts.

Choose your beneficiaries

Choose the people or charities you’d like to remember in your will. Many people leave a percentage of their estate to the Brittle Bone Society to ensure that their loved ones are provided for first. The different types of gift you can leave are a:

  • Residuary gift – this is what remains of your estate, once other gifts and payments have been made. A residuary gift will keep pace with inflation meaning you are able to choose what proportion of your estate is left to friends, family or charity.
  • Pecuniary gift – this is a set amount of money, the value of which may decrease over time due to inflation.
  • Specific gift – a particular item, this could be anything from a piece of jewellery to furniture or property.


Choose your executors

Appoint the individuals responsible for ensuring that your wishes are fulfilled. They will be named in your will. It’s a good idea to name at least 2 people as executors. Before doing so, check they are happy for you to do this. You can name a bank or solicitor as an executor if you wish.

Arrange to see a Solicitor

It’s important to ask a legal professional to draw up your will to ensure your wishes are properly carried out. If you don’t know any Solicitors, ask your friends and family to recommend one. Alternatively, you can use the ‘Find a Solicitor’ service through the Law Society for England and Wales or the Law Society of Scotland.

Make sure your Solicitor uses our full charity details in your will

Our full name, address and registered charity number is: Brittle Bone Society (BBS) a registered charity SCO50854 and a company limited by guarantee SC677346. Registered office: Grant-Paterson House, 30 Guthrie Street, Dundee DD1 5BS.

Suggested wording


  • Residuary legacy – “I give all (or …% of) the residue of my estate to the Brittle Bone Society (BBS) a registered charity SCO50854 and a company limited by guarantee SC677346.  Registered office: Grant-Paterson House, 30 Guthrie Street, Dundee DD1 5BS for its general purposes. I declare that the receipt of the treasurer or other proper officer for the time being hereof shall be sufficient discharge to my executors.”
  • Pecuniary or specific legacies – “I give to Brittle Bone Society (BBS), a registered charity SCO50854 and a company limited by guarantee SC677346 . Registered office: Grant-Paterson House, 30 Guthrie Street, Dundee DD1 5BS the sum of £_______ (or item) for its general purposes. I declare that the receipt of the treasurer or other proper officer for the time being hereof shall be sufficient discharge to my executors.”


Keep your will somewhere safe

Your Solicitor will often look after it for you, but you may wish to retain your own copy too. Tell a relative or close friend where the original copy of your will is stored.

Please notify us of your intentions

If you have left a gift to us in your will – thank you. We would appreciate it if you could let us know by on 01382 204446 or by email  – all information supplied will be treated in the strictest of confidence.

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